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I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

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  • I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

    I am doing some research of historic organs of southern minnesota? The reason hy I ask is because this summer I am putting together a website that is dedicated to historic organs of southern minnesota. If anybody can give me infromation on where I can look for his organs let me know please.

    My name is Joel Fienen and my father is Dr. David Fienen he is the organist at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter Minnesota. He, my brother and I are putting this together and right now I am in the research stage. My father is going to type up the information that I find out and I am going to the photos. My brother is going to develope the web part of it.

  • #2
    Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

    I don't know where to tell you to look, but I want to wish you the best of luck.
    P.S. Pipe organs do rock.



    • #3
      Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

      has the Organ Historical Society ever had a convention in Minnesota?


      • #4
        Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

        I do not know. I know that there is a famous organ here in mankato at Good Counsel. The organ builder of that was Hook. I think I am not sure. I have sung inside the church up there with that organ and let me tell you it would blow your mind away. My dad has given numerous concerts on it and the sisters love it when he plays for them at noon time. The church accustics are so amazing it makes me want to jump for joy that is how good the accustics are in it.


        • #5
          Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

          if the OHS has did a convention in Minnesota, they would have produced a excellent program which would list all the historic organs. That is how I found the historic organs for the Southern Indiana AGO website (http://www.siago.org).

          I've found that most church's are quite receptive to allowing photography & recording of their organs... just call the church secretary and explain what you are doing, so far I've never been refused entrance to any church to photograph and record.

          It is best to call at least a week in advance and get ahold of the organist if possible to make arrangements to clean off the console for photography. One of the important things for photography is to temporarily clean up the console of all the whatnots on it before photographing it. I'm always careful to put stuff back where it was exactly, but it makes the photographs so much nicer.

          Indeed it is a doubly good thing as by expressing a interest in their organ it raises awareness, especially if it is historically siginificant.

          On one occasion in NYc while photographing a really nice historic organ I had a good conversation with the lady who I could tell really ran the congregation and made decisions for such things as the organ, I learned that she was contemplating getting rid of the pipe organ and installing a digital, after she saw the photographs and the historical value of their instrument she let me know that they would definately be keeping it.

          So it is a VERY good thing to make the rounds in your area to document, photograph & hopefully record the historic organs for samples for others to hear etc.

          If you are a member of the local AGO chapter I'm sure someone would know all the important and historic organs. Indeed including these photographs on the local chapter would be a very welcome thing to any local chapter, and the introductions by meeting local organists would help you gain access to many of the churchs as well.


          • #6
            Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.


            I am doing this research for myself and hopefully to educate some people about histroic organs. I am not an expert and nor would I try to be one. I am just an novice who loves organs. I grew up in a family with a father who taught organ and still does today. You just do not find out any information about historic organs in southern minnesota. I guess you can say that I have ambition for this project and I know that it is going to take me a while. I am not doing this for fame or anything like. Quite frankly I am scared about doing this. I don't want to come off as an expert. I can tell you this much that I do understand a little about the organ and what I do know I learned from my father and very interested by them.


            • #7
              Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

              Hello again

              What part of Indiana are you from? My mom grew up in Columbus and dad grew up in Evansville and my dad graduated from IU way back when. I have been around there quite a bit. I have realitives that still live in southern and central indiana. Did you see my icon? That is the organ at St. Meinrad. I took that picture. The day that I was in there I heard it live and I jumped about 5 feet in the air because I was so excited to hear it.


              • #8
                Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

                Southern indiana here, just about 25 miles south of Columbus. I'll be photographing and recording the organ at St. Meinrad in the next month! I'm told it is quite a massive organ, but really don't know anything about it as of yet.. do you have a stoplist of it?


                • #9
                  Re: I am doing some research of historic organs of southern Minnesota.

                  Hello - I am French and this is my first post on the forum. . Maybe, In spite of the distance. I could be of some help since I am very interested in pipe organs pictures and for a long time I have been collecting and sorting them by country and as far US is concerned by state. So, on the link below you will find all the pictures of the Minnesota Organs I have got on the net. Some of them may be copyrighted, so it is just for information and personal use. The descriptions are as accurate as possible, but cannot be taken for granted.


                  I hope this first contact with the forum will be the opportunity to communicate with US organ aficionados. I hope also to receive pictures from US in order to improve in quantity or quality the important collection that I have got so far.

                  Didier from Rennes - France.




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