Met with our Pipe Organ tech yesterday. Also had a couple of representatives from the leadership of our church (United Methodist). The church has a small Estey pipe organ. It was refurbished about 10 years ago. The console and pipe interface was converted to a Peterson digital control system and all the windchests were refurbished. This two manual organ is modest and rather limited in it's voices. It uses a lot of unification and borrowing.
We are going to expand the pipe chamber to create some additional space. This will accomodate whatever the church decides to do. The chamber is very crowded and it is a real challenge for our technician to get to everything. We'll be adding a 4' by 8' area that would help. We can do that locally with in-house volunteers. Some of the pipes will be relocated for a cost of roughly $2,500. The blower will also be moved. This is included in the price.
The thinking is that adding some Walker digital voices would add more variety to the organ and beef up some sounds that the organ does not have. We don't need big power all the time. But it is nice to have for better attended services and special occasions.
Here's what we have and what our CURRENT thinking is.
First - the Pedals. There is one 16 foot Diapason, an 8 foot Diapason (same rank of pipes), an 8 and 4 foot flute (same rank of pipes), the 8 foot Trumpet and the following couplers: 8 foot Great to Pedal, 4 foot Great to Pedal, 8 foot Swell to Pedal and 4 foot Swell to Pedal. We envision possibly adding one 32 foot voice, another 16 foot Diapason, and a 16 foot Bourdon. A Reed like an 8 foot Trombe and perhaps a beefier 8 foot Diapason would help provide a good bass foundation. Another 4 foot Flute might also be nice - but we can't add too many voices because of limited space for all the rocker switch tabs (this limitation will apply to both keyboards and the Pedalboard.
Moving to the Swell. The organ has an 8 foot Stopped Diapason, an 8 foot Salicianal and a 4 foot flute. There is also an 8 foot Oboe and a rather loud 8 foot Trumpet that can be played on the two manuals and the pedals. Did I mention that it is very loud? The thinking is to add additional solo voices. I lean towards an 8 foot English Horn, either an 8 foot Trombe or a nice Krummhorn, an 8, 4 and 2 foot flute. And maybe some sort of mixture (maybe a light 2 and 2/3rd Nasard to add to other voices would provide variety). The Swell also needs some Celeste and perhaps some chimes or other bells.
The Great has one 8 foot Diapason and a 4 foot Octave (same rank of pipes), an 8 foot and 4 foot flute (same rank of pipes), an 8 foot Salicianal, the same 8 foot Trumpet, and couplers as follows - Add 8 foot Swell to Great. Add 4 foot Swell to Great and Add 4 foot Great to Great. There is also a Add 16 foot Great to Great. The thinking is to Add: another 8 foot Diapason, another 4 foot Diapason, and a 2 foot Super Octave, 8, 4, and 2 foot flutes. A Mixture (something like a Mixture III), and one or both of a 2 2/3 Nasard and a 1 3/5 Tierce. Finally the Great needs a Celeste.
A few other factors: the organ has one wind chest. It is not currently possible to add a vibrato to only one manual. The Vibrato applies to the entire organ. Having the electronic voices would make it possible to have a pure accompaniment on the Great with a solo stop with vibrato on the Swell. I NEVER USE VIBRATO ON BOTH MANUALS AND THE PEDALBOARD. Maybe some of you do, but it isn't my style.
The digital electrical system will allow this system to work together. We could add an antiphonal set of speakers at the rear of the Sanctuary. Obviously, only the electronic voices would play through these. I have mixed feelings about this. Input is welcome.
Adding this stuff new will cost between $30 and $45 K. Our Technician is going to contact Walker and see if they have some late model units that came from an organ that was taken out of service. He seems to feel we could do this addition for around $25,000 if we can find a Factory Restored unit.
Now - I know some folks in this forum hate anything electronic. But let me ask that instead of trying to convince me that this is a gigantic mistake, perhaps you could suggest different stops we could add. Treat this as if we were actually going to be adding pipes. What pipes would YOU add? Let me tell you that the church does not have the budget to add anywhere close to the number of ranks of real pipes to approach the versatility this addition would seem to add.
Any of you with experience with Walker - I would relish your input. And I also welcome alternative suggestions for the sounds to add to the various manuals and pedalboarde.
The leaders of this church were very receptive and didn't seem shocked at the ballpark figure quotted. This is not a done deal, but I believe it is a very real possibility for the not-to-distant future. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't a little bit excited. :->
Thanks for any and all input. I want to provide this church with accurate information and good advice. Wise input from some of the experienced folks here might help me do that better.
Bach On
We are going to expand the pipe chamber to create some additional space. This will accomodate whatever the church decides to do. The chamber is very crowded and it is a real challenge for our technician to get to everything. We'll be adding a 4' by 8' area that would help. We can do that locally with in-house volunteers. Some of the pipes will be relocated for a cost of roughly $2,500. The blower will also be moved. This is included in the price.
The thinking is that adding some Walker digital voices would add more variety to the organ and beef up some sounds that the organ does not have. We don't need big power all the time. But it is nice to have for better attended services and special occasions.
Here's what we have and what our CURRENT thinking is.
First - the Pedals. There is one 16 foot Diapason, an 8 foot Diapason (same rank of pipes), an 8 and 4 foot flute (same rank of pipes), the 8 foot Trumpet and the following couplers: 8 foot Great to Pedal, 4 foot Great to Pedal, 8 foot Swell to Pedal and 4 foot Swell to Pedal. We envision possibly adding one 32 foot voice, another 16 foot Diapason, and a 16 foot Bourdon. A Reed like an 8 foot Trombe and perhaps a beefier 8 foot Diapason would help provide a good bass foundation. Another 4 foot Flute might also be nice - but we can't add too many voices because of limited space for all the rocker switch tabs (this limitation will apply to both keyboards and the Pedalboard.
Moving to the Swell. The organ has an 8 foot Stopped Diapason, an 8 foot Salicianal and a 4 foot flute. There is also an 8 foot Oboe and a rather loud 8 foot Trumpet that can be played on the two manuals and the pedals. Did I mention that it is very loud? The thinking is to add additional solo voices. I lean towards an 8 foot English Horn, either an 8 foot Trombe or a nice Krummhorn, an 8, 4 and 2 foot flute. And maybe some sort of mixture (maybe a light 2 and 2/3rd Nasard to add to other voices would provide variety). The Swell also needs some Celeste and perhaps some chimes or other bells.
The Great has one 8 foot Diapason and a 4 foot Octave (same rank of pipes), an 8 foot and 4 foot flute (same rank of pipes), an 8 foot Salicianal, the same 8 foot Trumpet, and couplers as follows - Add 8 foot Swell to Great. Add 4 foot Swell to Great and Add 4 foot Great to Great. There is also a Add 16 foot Great to Great. The thinking is to Add: another 8 foot Diapason, another 4 foot Diapason, and a 2 foot Super Octave, 8, 4, and 2 foot flutes. A Mixture (something like a Mixture III), and one or both of a 2 2/3 Nasard and a 1 3/5 Tierce. Finally the Great needs a Celeste.
A few other factors: the organ has one wind chest. It is not currently possible to add a vibrato to only one manual. The Vibrato applies to the entire organ. Having the electronic voices would make it possible to have a pure accompaniment on the Great with a solo stop with vibrato on the Swell. I NEVER USE VIBRATO ON BOTH MANUALS AND THE PEDALBOARD. Maybe some of you do, but it isn't my style.
The digital electrical system will allow this system to work together. We could add an antiphonal set of speakers at the rear of the Sanctuary. Obviously, only the electronic voices would play through these. I have mixed feelings about this. Input is welcome.
Adding this stuff new will cost between $30 and $45 K. Our Technician is going to contact Walker and see if they have some late model units that came from an organ that was taken out of service. He seems to feel we could do this addition for around $25,000 if we can find a Factory Restored unit.
Now - I know some folks in this forum hate anything electronic. But let me ask that instead of trying to convince me that this is a gigantic mistake, perhaps you could suggest different stops we could add. Treat this as if we were actually going to be adding pipes. What pipes would YOU add? Let me tell you that the church does not have the budget to add anywhere close to the number of ranks of real pipes to approach the versatility this addition would seem to add.
Any of you with experience with Walker - I would relish your input. And I also welcome alternative suggestions for the sounds to add to the various manuals and pedalboarde.
The leaders of this church were very receptive and didn't seem shocked at the ballpark figure quotted. This is not a done deal, but I believe it is a very real possibility for the not-to-distant future. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't a little bit excited. :->
Thanks for any and all input. I want to provide this church with accurate information and good advice. Wise input from some of the experienced folks here might help me do that better.
Bach On