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Yet another new member

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  • Yet another new member

    Hi Everyone,
    This is to just say hello. I'm near Washington DC and I have a small Wicks at home which is inthe process of expansion.

  • #2
    Re: Yet another new member

    Sounds interesting. Why don't you tell us what it has now and what you are changing? Are you able to do the work yourself, or having a tec do it?



    • #3
      Re: Yet another new member

      The original organ has three ranks: Stopped Flute (with pedal extension), Open Diapason, and Salicional. It is unified to oblivion to give a variety of stops all the way from 16 ' to 2'. There are no 2' stops or mutations on the great but the swell has both a 2' and a Nazard (using the Salicional). I recently got a four rank Wicks chest with Stopped Flute, Dulciana, and Salicional pipes. It has room for a Diapason that I used for an Oboe (from a turn of the century parted Odell). I am turning the Stopped Flute into Rohr Flute of sorts by drilling holes through the stoppers (works great, especially in the upper octaves) to be playable at both 8' and 4'. The new Salicional and Dulciana give a very nice Celeste. The new chest is connected to the swell through a Peterson relay. I plan on replacing the original Salicional with a Gemshorn (I am actually looking for an 8' Gemshorn in case anyone has one for sale). I would also like to add a great mixture and an independent pedal 8' or 16' to support the rather weak 16 Bourdon. In the long run I plan to turn the whole thing into three manuals with three moderate-size divisions with some borrowing. I do the work myself but I am very lucky that my technician is always willing to advise me and to fix whatever I am unable to fix myself. The organ doesn't have the best tone. It's definitely not a looker. But it's quite reliable, easy to work on, and very, very affordable if one is willing to do the work oneself. E.K.L.

      P.S. I also have a 2MP Estey model T reed organ which will probably have to go as the Wicks gets bigger. Our basement can only fit so much.


      • #4
        Re: Yet another new member

        Exciting potential anyway, glad you can do most of your own work.All you plans sound rational. It probably occured to you already that by replacing the original Salicional with a Gemshorn will give you a Gemsquinte 2 2/3 instead of the Salicional twelfth you now have, but maybe that will be better. If it is the Dulciana that is out of phase to make your Celeste, you can put it with the diapason for a nice Fiffaro, and with the stopped flute for a sort of Unda Maris.You might want to hang onto the extra salicional for when you come across a pedal chest. A good voicer could probably turn it into a useful Choral Bass 8' and 4' for the pedal solo support you are looking for. A pedal extension for your new/old oboe as a 16' half-length of quarter-length basoon would not the the bass any harm either.

        Well, have fun and thanks for sharing[<:o)]



        • #5
          Re: Yet another new member


          It's nice to know there's another person out there attempting the same thing I am. You should post your current/future specs in the Specifications section. I'd like to know what you're up to!



          • #6
            Re: Yet another new member

            Lee and TD,
            Thanks for your suggestions. I will post current and future specifications in the near future.




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