Ok gang, you are the only group I know that can give us an intellegent opinion on this proposition.[Y][N]
A small congregation I have some contact with is thinking about replacing an older toaster with pipes, so far so good, right? However no communicant as died and left their estate to them yet, and funds are minimal -nothing new, not even a 4-5 rk unified is comming down the line soon. The chancel holds about 250-300, and has great acoustics ( for the preacher = dead). They already know that has to change!
My suggestion is to obtain a small older tracker and modify it to as minimal a dergee as possible., but still widen the range of playable music. I would transfer some ranks to an electric [li]or electopneumatic[st] chest, and add some additional ranks. My questionsare: How well should such a hybrid work, both physically and tonally, and Would the cost compared to the result be better than some other alternative.
Here goes. Let us start with a typical 9 rank tracker from the end of the 19tgh century.
Open Diapason 8' -56 pipes
Common bass 8' -12 "
(tc) Melodia 8' - 44 "
(tc) Dulciana 8' -44 "
Octave 8' 56 "
Sw-Gt. Unison
Common bass 8' - 12 pipes
(tc) Violin Diapason 8' - 44 "
(tc)Stopped Diapason 8'-44 "
(tc)Salicional 8' - 44 "
Flute d’amour 4' - 56 "
Bourdon 16" -30 pipes
(on a separate chest /Pneumatic action)
We would take the pedal Bourdon and swell Flute d'amour and put the on a unit chest, with a new octave added to the top. Key switches would then be added to both swell and pedal, and the appropriate unit board in between switches and chest
The Dulciana would be tunned flat (if it wasn't already0 to act as a celeste for the swell voices, and placeC in the holes of the Violin Diapason. The bottom 30 notes of the V. Diap. would become a 4' Choral Bass on the pedal, in the holes of the 16' bourdon. A new 2' principal (actually TC because of the common bass) perhaps using the leftover 14 pipes of the V.Diap. revoiced,wouldgo into into the holes the Dulciana came out of.
Probably the most expensive addition would be a new, or rebuilt trumpet-type oboe that would go into the Fl d'am's holes.
the result would look like this: Revised with unit flute and additional ranks - (*= Unit Flute, += modified existing rank, # = new or mostly new pipework)
Open Diapason 8'
Common Bass 8'
(tc)melodia 8'
Octave 4'
(tc)fifteenth 2' (#) (new pipework, possibly inc. parts of V. Diap)
Sw-gt unison
Bourdon 16' (*)
(tc)Stopped Diapason 8'
Common bass 8'
(tc) Salicional 8'
(tc)Unda Maris I 8' (+) (from dulciana tunned flat)
Flute d’amour 4' (*)
flute twelfth 2 2/3'(*)
Flute fifteenth 2'(*)
Flute tierce 1 3/5'(*)
oboe 8' (#)
Bourdon 16' (*)
Bourdon 8' (*)
Quinte 5 1/3' (*)
Choral Bass 4' (+)(from violin diapason)
unitoboe mixtureIV (*)
Gt -ped, Sw-ped
Thus a great deal of the original is retained, and available for the purist, while it can play other than victorian music reasonably well also.
Will it fly?[^o)]