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Question, please help

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  • Question, please help

    Hi everyone.

    Can anyone please tell me what are those tiny buttons lined up in two rows right above the organ stops/tabs are?

    Noticed not all pipe organ consoles have these, seems to be rear and few.

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  • #2
    Oh, just happened to see there was a question about some buttons in this forum:

    Referrimg to the same?


    • #3
      First guess is that they have something to do with a combination action. They are not similar to the buttons in the thread suggested by habakkuk1v7. Those buttons were in groups and related to divisions/swell shoes. The buttons in this thread are definitely related to specific stops.


      • #4
        On a pipe organ I played years ago (1982) it had these two rows of levers above each stop. They were for setting the two combination pistons labeled I, and II.
        There were one other combination pistons for coupling swell to great, swell to pedal and great to pedal and of course tutti.


        • #5
          This is the video. It is listed as a Steinmeyer organ in the description. There are several Steinmeyer organs that have the mini knobs online, though I haven't seen any explanation of what they do, yet.
          Home: Allen ADC-4500 Church: Allen MDS-5
          Files: Allen Tone Card (TC) Database, TC Info, TC Converter, TC Mixer, ADC TC SF2, and MOS TC SF2, ADC TC Cad/Rvt, MOS TC Cad/Rvt, Organ Database, Music Library, etc. PM for unlinked files.


          • #6
            Okay. Thanks for all your replies.


            • #7
              We have a Schlicker in my high school that has those buttons / mini drawknobs, and they are indeed for setting the two general pistons on that organ. Two of them above each tablet, and two pistons plus the cancel.

              On this one though, it looks like there are more pistons than there are mini drawknobs. So I cant quite figure how they might work, if that is what they are for in this organ.
              Attached Files
              Regards, Larry

              At Home : Yamaha Electones : EX-42 ( X 3 !!! ), E-5AR, FX-1 ( X 2 !! ), US-1, EL-25 ( Chopped ). Allen 601D, ADC 6000D. Lowrey CH32-1. At Churches I play for : Allen Q325 ( with Vista ), Allen L123 ( with Navigator ). Rodgers 755. 1919 Wangerin 2/7 pipe organ.


              • cpistel
                cpistel commented
                Editing a comment
                I just saw an explanation on you tube about a free combination system. One of the other pistons is used to select the stop rail as the source for the stop selection since, in the case of the organ in the video at least, the pistons did not move the actual rocker tabs. That may explain an extra piston.

            • #8
              It's quite possible that there are only two settable pistons and that the others have been preset at the factory. One example would be 4 presets: p - mf - f - ff. These could be for the whole organ and/or for individual divisions..


              • #9
                Just came across this thread (must have missed it when it was started) and thought I'd post the link to a more recent thread where a similar question came up:
                Those "tiny buttons" are to set what we call "free combination".

