Our regular organist is likely not going be able to play again (she has Parkinson's). Church organists are getting to be hard to find. A working organist from a nearby town stopped by to check out our organ and midi system to see if he'd be interested in a job pre-recording on midi earlier in the week any organ music we need for Sunday morning. He is interested, yay! And I'd likely be the playback person. He kind of blew through a quick Crown Him with Many Crowns, so I thought I'd share it here, along with a quick look at our organ. It was originally a Pilcher organ, but has had been added to through the years, and finally a major renovation with IC board controllers and new Trumpet and Hautbois ranks, and a Zimblestern. It's small but I think it's delightful! I hope you enjoy the video.
Originally played/recorded by Kenny Lewis:
Originally played/recorded by Kenny Lewis: