This may seem like a fundamental question but here goes anyway - when combining stops what do people think aboutmixing flutes with diapasons? The reason for asking is I am experimenting with various settings for my divisional pistons and am wondering is I should do either of the following options: Use the pistons to build up the principal chorus e.g.: #1: 8' #2 8' 4' #3 8' 4' 2'2/3 etc; OR: use them to build up a gradual crescendo mixing flutes and diapasons. I've noticed that the diapsons never seem as bright when the flutes are included (my flutes go up to 2' on the great), so the combination sounds much brighter and clearer without though the dynamic changes between adding ranks is less smooth than when adding diapasons and flutes io combination. Would people mind sharing thier own piston setting ideas? I have eight divisionals pistons to all manuals. Here sre the specs I have to work with. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Bourdon 16, Diapason 8, Stopped Diapason 8, Principal 4, Harmonic Flute 4, Twelfth 2 2/3, Fifteenth 2, Block Flute 2, Mixture IV, Trumpet 8'.
Diapason 8, Lieblich Gedeckt 8, Gamba 8, Viox Celeste 8, Principal 4, Flute 4. Fifteenth 2, Sesquialtera II, Mixture IV, Contra Fagotto 16, Cornopean 8, Oboe 8, Clarion 4
M. O.