Was the Cavaille-Coll Contrebasse 16 a string, a principal or an open flute?
Having always thought a Contrebasse 16 was a soft-toned string, I was puzzled when reading through some old issues of TAO and I noticed a cover feature article which says: "The principal chorus of the Pedale is based on an open wood Contrebasse of 16' pitch." (http://casavant.ca/new_temp/img/home/HomeFrame.htm)
Casavant builds an Open Wood as a Contrebasse, and organstops.org cites it as an "Imitative string stop of 16' pitch.", moreover, is a Contrebasse 16 a principal? the Nichols and Simpson instrument at Christ Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, and their instrument at Pulaski Heights Methodist has an open metal 16 Contrabass in their Pedal division. (http://nicholsandsimpson.com/prod01.htm) Which is the real Contrebasse?