I'm currently designing a small 2 manual house organ and I have already made part of a 4ft Principal rank out of PVC. (Apparently this will be able to go towards half an A-Level, so I'm more inclined to spend time constructing it). The ideal specification will be:
Great: 8ft Stopped [or open] diapason, 4ft Principal, 2ft Fifteenth
Swell: 8ft Gedackt and 4ft Flute
Pedal: 16ft Bourdon.
I have a few questions about this: Will a 16ft bourdon be able to fit under an 8ft ceiling, or will the lowest pipes have to be mitred? (They would be 50mm dia. waste pipe, would a rounded corner work such as this? - https://www.diy.com/departments/flop...5/35041_BQ.prd)
And a second question - If I take some of the pvc pipes I have made so far, and stop them at the end to convert them into 8ft [Gedackt] from a 4ft [Principal], they currently do not sound. They only speak while open. What will I have to do to modify the pipes to make them speak when stopped - change the upper lip shape? (To save some height space!)
The pipes have this design - https://www.instructables.com/id/PVC-Pipe-organ/
Many thanks,
I'm currently designing a small 2 manual house organ and I have already made part of a 4ft Principal rank out of PVC. (Apparently this will be able to go towards half an A-Level, so I'm more inclined to spend time constructing it). The ideal specification will be:
Great: 8ft Stopped [or open] diapason, 4ft Principal, 2ft Fifteenth
Swell: 8ft Gedackt and 4ft Flute
Pedal: 16ft Bourdon.
I have a few questions about this: Will a 16ft bourdon be able to fit under an 8ft ceiling, or will the lowest pipes have to be mitred? (They would be 50mm dia. waste pipe, would a rounded corner work such as this? - https://www.diy.com/departments/flop...5/35041_BQ.prd)
And a second question - If I take some of the pvc pipes I have made so far, and stop them at the end to convert them into 8ft [Gedackt] from a 4ft [Principal], they currently do not sound. They only speak while open. What will I have to do to modify the pipes to make them speak when stopped - change the upper lip shape? (To save some height space!)
The pipes have this design - https://www.instructables.com/id/PVC-Pipe-organ/
Many thanks,