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How does Estey Pedalboard attach?

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  • How does Estey Pedalboard attach?

    I am in the process of removing an old Estey pipe organ that was stored in a garage.
    In other consoles, sometimes the pedalboard will lift up, then out. Sometimes the console just sits on the pedalboard.
    Before I start unscrewing every screw in site, does anyone have any experience with Estey consoles?

  • #2
    Is it an original Estey console? Many of the Estey organs have replacement consoles, so it helps to know. I service an Estey from 1910, still in it's original home, although it has been rebuilt once. On that ogan the console is built into the front case of the organ. The pedalboard slides in to the front and lifts on to two brackest at either end of the pedalboard. to remove the pedalboard, you simply lift and pull away from the organ. That is true of most organ consoles, but a careful examination of the pedalboard will show if there are screws that need to be removed. If there are screws, they will be at the extreme outer ends of the pedalboard on vertical "flanges" and you should be able to plainly see the screws.


    • #3
      Yes, this was the original 1908 console.
      You were right, it was the standard "lift and pull", but I had to remove the front panel in order to lift it high enough.
      The good thing was that I discovered that pulling the front panel is how to access the pneumatics that drive all the pistons. As far as I can tell, they are clean and it good working order.

      Moving was an ordeal, as it was hardwired into the chests, and I was not going to cut the wires if I could avoid it. So we put the pedalboard on the top of the console., and detached the valve box from the swell and great chests. The pedalboard chest was put on dollies, and then piled the swell/great chests on top and pulled behind the console as we loaded into a lift truck.

      It worked, but was very stressfull. Its all in my garage now, starting the long process building new wind pipes, new framework for the big pipes, new electrical wiring, etc.
      Click image for larger version

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