Hi everyone. I'm currently reading a book entitled Bach and the Pedal Clavichord: An Organist's Guide by Joel Speerstra. In it I found an interesting tidbit of information, actually coming from a quote by Susi Jeans regarding Bach's trio sonatas and pedal clavichord. She says:
"There is no doubt that music was especially written for the pedal house-Claviers. One of Adlung's remarks supports this view, when he asks for the inclusion of the d in the pedal compass of the pedal clavichord 'because it is needed more at home than on the Church organ.'"
I'm wondering if anyone here can shed some light on this. Why would having the extra C# and D be better for home use vs. church use? Is it simply referring to the fact that, on an organ, you can use higher pitched stops?
"There is no doubt that music was especially written for the pedal house-Claviers. One of Adlung's remarks supports this view, when he asks for the inclusion of the d in the pedal compass of the pedal clavichord 'because it is needed more at home than on the Church organ.'"
I'm wondering if anyone here can shed some light on this. Why would having the extra C# and D be better for home use vs. church use? Is it simply referring to the fact that, on an organ, you can use higher pitched stops?