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The USA:Home of Multi-cultural Multi -ethnic Period Focus& Middle-of-da-Road Organs
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Guest started a topic The USA:Home of Multi-cultural Multi -ethnic Period Focus& Middle-of-da-Road OrgansThe USA:Home of Multi-cultural Multi -ethnic Period Focus& Middle-of-da-Road Organs
The USA early in its existence has hosted people from other places. Afterall the most ''native'' among us save the people here before Columbus are from elsewhere originally. By the 20th C many emmigrated to the USA for opprtunity to enjoy a better life than that left behind. here in Warren Ohio the ''flats'' area near the Mahoning River became home to thousands of Euro immigrants among them grampa and gramma sesquialtera.The then press dominated by the caucasian protestant descendents of the founders of the Conn Western Reserve referred to the inhabitants of the flats as Greeks, Italians, Irish etc. WhenI attended public school here the bias against us from Europe was still evident.
Happily that is long since passed and the USA is host to peoples from all points on earth. With them have come diversity in all areas of life. The pipe organ has not been exempt. Beginning here in America from English roots soon there were german builders and workmen, Scaninavian, Dutch, French, Italian and even Greek!! Today the USA offers a tremedous choice to organ clientelle. Should the new organ be period focused or middle-of-the road? Many Academies prefer the former now-a-days. Give the kids a chance to experience the real thing here without traveling to Europe. What about ecclesiataical clientelle? Where money is no object they too have jumped upon the bandwagon. Not content with the Austin or Skinner or Casavant they go for the foreign makes like the wealthy do with cars and other luxury items beyond the means of the average man.
Of course with the coming of Bethards and his new Schoenstein we are seeing 17 rank organs cost a mere 600000 USD. And Dobson charging the WNC over 5 mil for 75-90 ranks according to an article that you can Google under Erik WM Suter. So the Euro prices arent quite as shocking anymore. Thats all well and good. But what of the rest of us--the ''little'' people. The average ''Joe'' who doesnt have millions at the snap of a finger like WNC seems to have or Independent Pres in Birmingham or Brick in Manhattan?If these well-off clients want whatever so be it. But: Americana is being lost. That brick Austin; that Independent Skinner akll of these are being lost or reincanated in bits and pieces. What of the American Organ? Doesnt America have any pride in ITS organ history? Hoe many American pipe organ are exported to Europe every year or even to Canada?
Are The USA heritage organs inherently inferior? How many Wanamakers are there in Europe? I seem to think that the present diversity will continue. As long as there are wealthy donors the organ scene will go for the latest. i prefer the middle. The organ i am allowed to play has 77 ranks; 8 divisions; a real 32 and 4 eclosed boxes.The pipes are from 1900,revoiced 1937; rebuilt and enlarged 1960 and 1996 and recently the chorus reeds were rebuilt. The organ is glorious. A symphonic organ with classical elements included. There is room for improvement but Ill take whatI can get.
1st Pres Yng OH- 1900,1037,1960,1996,2007 Austin;Trivo-Vic Marsilio
GT quintaten16/diapason8/bourdon8/gemshorn8/octave4/nachthorn4/quint2-2.3/superoctave2/fpurnitureIV
SW bourdon 16/geigen8/rohrflote8
voixceleste8/principal4/waldflote4/blockflote2/pleinejeuIV/fagot16-8unit/trompette8/clairon4/voxhumana 8
CH nason8/dulciana8/undamaris8/prestant4/koppelflote4/oktav2/quint1-1/3/sesquialteraII/cymbalII/krummhorn8
SO orchflute8/cello8/celloceleste8/cincflute4/frenchhorn8/englishhorn8/harmonictrumpet8/clarion4
bourdon32-16/contrabass16/sw bourdon 16-8/
gt gemshorn 16x/gt quintaten 16-8/principal8/spitzflote 8-4-2/mixtureIII/bombarde 16-8/ch krummhorn4
GAL GT spitzprincipal8/spitzflote8/Spitzceleste8/principal4/fifteenth2/mixtureIII
GAL SW melodia8
aeoline celeste8
stopped diap4/blockflote2/sesquialteraII/trumpet8
GAL PED wood violone 16/bourdon16-8Tags: None
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