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an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

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  • an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

  • #2
    Re: an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

    "Skinner's voluntary departure was his most important contribution to the American reform movement."

    I think his greatest contribution was that he started to build pipe organs, therefore leading to all the developments.


    • #3
      Re: an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

      [quote user="robmcw"]

      "Skinner's voluntary departure was his most important contribution to the American reform movement."

      I think his greatest contribution was that he started to build pipe organs, therefore leading to all the developments.


      In 1919 a wealthy patron A Hudson Marks of Akron Ohio made a large in nvestment in the Skinner firm and consequently assumed financial control of the teetering business. No real shortage of orders although post great war there was an economic slowdown admitedlt and in the pages of the trade journals few skinners were featured especially in 1918. Marks learned enough of the business that he could se opportunities to grow it and so in 1920 he bought the steere outfit in westfield mass located at the former johnson works. steere was comprised of some former skinner folk and did a very nice job in the work they did. eventually the separate operations were merged.

      The younger organ generation of the roaring twenties were more inclined to travel and study abroad and consequently the exposure to the extant organs of the great masters in europe opened new vistas in the minds of the usa students. as the 20s moved on the clamor grew for more brilliance in the ensemble. skinner revisted the uk circa 1924having last beenthere while in the employee of hutchings of boston. the visit for ems was enlightening in the 20s. he was googoo over the grand chorus V in the westminster rc cathedral job which was a lewis contract assumed by willis iii after he absorbed lewis into his orgnaization.willis iii made several annual visits to boston to assist the skinner firm in the endeavor to brighten the organs they were making. by 1924 some evidence of change appeared. dorothy holden alleges that possibly it was ems that inadvertently started the reform movement.

      i have seen and played organs of that era and i must say she is correct. their is a certain transparency that may have been absent in the previous work. the swell gedeckt 8 at holy trinity cath in miami is from 1925 and i have played it and it is a doll of a stop. not at all thick but rather charming and a precursor to some willis iii suggestions such as the 1925 flute triangulaire 4 that made its debut. later willis mixtures. the one at the former 4th pres nyc now greek ortho is a 4 rk sw mixture and it is lovely. the stambaugh aud youngstown ohio 1926 has willis mixtures in both gt and sw and is scheduled for a complete overhaul next year by thomson-allen of new haven and reed restoration by david broome.

      interstingly ems amd gdh tho friends for a time then at odd the rest of it seemed to have influenced one another to some extent be it unconsiously.skinners work appeared to incoprorate some of gdh ideas that appeared when they were still collaborators and gdh always included some of the traditional skinner tone such as the flute celeste and other subtelties and some of the symphonic stops like the french horn english horn etc.

      ems far from preventing an organ reform was very much part of it at least to the degree that his ears and artistic sense were able to absorb. so the hard core remarks of the past against ems have given way to a new appreciation for the immeasurable conribution that he and others made to the modern organ.


      • #4
        Re: an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

        I realize the quote is somewhat true. It just sounds so harsh and absolute. I am a big fan of all Skinners regardless of their opus numbers.

        Thank you sesquialtera16 for your info!


        • #5
          Re: an interesting synopsis of organ reform movement--link to l phelps article

          from the new and improved [revoiced] sesqui to the previous poster thanx and looking forward to seeing more of your thoughts

