I had my very firstorgan lesson yesterday on a real pipe organ!
Facinating but frustrating too. A great instument.
Facinating but frustrating too. A great instument.
I couldn't play it any good though. The delay between the moment you pressed a key and the pipe 'spoke' was anything from about 30 milliseconds from the high pitched notes in the pipe ranks at the front of the church, to about 300 ms from the low pipes at the back of the church. You'd have to develope a skill of being able to play 'ahead' of the sound, or listening to yourself play 'behind' the sound. Its a skill I simply don't possess.
Tell you what, I'll stick to Hammond organs

It also made me quite impressed at how good toasters really are, in other words, there wasn't something so "magical and undiscoverd" compared to an Allen I had played recently before, and in terms of latency issues I'd rather play the Allen.
Just my personal pref is all.