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Estey Organ Co doesn’t seem to work when pumping.

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  • Estey Organ Co doesn’t seem to work when pumping.

    Hi from Australia,
    I have an old Estay pump organ that used to work but now doesn’t, I hoping someone in the forum will be able to put me in the right direction. If I pull all the stops out and pump very fast a slight sound can be heard. I am thinking maybe the bellows.
    The number on the sticker is hard to read. It is either393#4 or 333#4 or 339#4. It also has a number stamped on the back. A748.
    Any help to get this working again would be greatly appreciated.
    I will try and put some photos up later.

  • #2
    Hi, Christojo - Welcome to the forum! What happens if you open just one stop and pump? Does it feel like it's developing the proper resistance to the pedals once you pump it up? CAN you pump it up?

    The BELLOWS would be the most likely culprit, especially if it hasn't been recovered in the last 75 years or so.

    Looking forward to the photos, you need to get a few posts in before the forum will let you post pix.
    -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


    • #3
      Hi again, Thanks for the reply. I would like to fix this old girl up. I pulled the right side end stop out(treble coupled) and pumped. No sound. I than pulled 2nd from right(Celeste 8) and put 1st back in. we had noise from most notes right hand side from middle. A couple of keys didn’t work and had to pump hard. I than pulled 3rd stop from right out (Drapason 8ft) about 2 thirds of the keys worked when pumped. Put it back in and pulled the 4th stop from right (Dolce 8ft) No sound. Put stop back in and tried 5th from right (forte) no sound. Put it in and tried 6th from right (Vox bumana) no sound. 7th from right (I forte) no sound. 8th from right (Principle 8) no sound. 9th from right (Viola Dolce 4) most keys from left hand side work when pumping hard. 10th from right (Flute 4) most keys on left side work when pumped. 11th from right (Bass coupler) no noise when pumped. I hope I spelled the stops right���� So 4 stops had noise. So I’m guessing it’s going to be a bit of a challenge. Thanks again. Silconpath


      • #4
        Originally posted by Silken Path View Post
        Hi, Christojo - Welcome to the forum! What happens if you open just one stop and pump? Does it feel like it's developing the proper resistance to the pedals once you pump it up? CAN you pump it up?

        The BELLOWS would be the most likely culprit, especially if it hasn't been recovered in the last 75 years or so.

        Looking forward to the photos, you need to get a few posts in before the forum will let you post pix.
        I tried all stops 1 at a time on the Estey. From left. 1st stop (Bass coupler) pulled out and pumped. No noise. 2nd stop (Flute 4) noise from left side from middle keys. 3rd stop (viola Dolce 4) noise fro left hand keys only. 4th stop (Principle 8) noise from left hand side of keys. 5th stop (1 Forte) no noise. 6th stop (Vox bumana) no noise. 7th stop (Forte) no noise. 8th stop (Dolce 8 ft) noise from right hand side keys from middle. 9th stop (Brapason 8ft) noise from right hand side keys. 10th stop (Celeste 8) noise from right hand side keys. And 11th and last stop (treble coupled) no noise.
        Also looked at I’d sticker again and the number is 398#43. I can’t work out the forth number. I have taken back off and panel below keys. Can view photos here. http://s1179.photobucket.com
        Any help appreciated.


        • #5
          Hi, Christojo - See you are posting again. Great. Look around under keys. Follow one of the keys and you'll see a wooden rod going down that moves with the key. That wood rod is what goes to the valve under the reed. Again, this is specific to my Kimball, which is the only reed organ I've ever worked on, but if I pull the Forte stops and move the swell lever all the open, it exposes the reed beds on the the front side.

          You'll need a TOOL to pull the reeds for inspection and cleaning. Thus I hoped you'd find a reed puller somewhere in the organ like I did with mine. :)

          The link to photobucket did not work for me. It just took me to the front page.
          -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


          • #6
            Thanks again, I couldn’t find a tool so I looked on line and made a tool I have the first reed out and have just brushed it with a fine paint brush but when you look in the light there is a couple bits of crud between gaps. My question now is what is the best cleaner with out damaging the brass reeds. http://s1179.photobucket.com
            I have tried again with photo link
            Thanks again ChristojoClick image for larger version

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            • #7
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              You can only just make out some numbers on the code.
              I think it is 393#43. Does anyone know how old this organ is. All help greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                I used a professional watch cleaning solution and an ultrasonic cleaner. Lightly dragging on a microfiber cloth in a line AWAY from the slot helps, too, but don't PUSH DOWN. Also, I suggest you don't take more than an octave out a time. That worked for me. Next you'll find out if cleaning the reed makes the note sound again.
                -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


                • #9
                  Also after all the reeds are out, Can I use a air blower to clean the dust out of the rest of the workings. Or is there more finer parts that I need to avoid with air. Thanks Christojo
                  PS: Silken path. Thanks for your help. I think the problem with posting was it was waiting for admin to approve posts.


                  • #10
                    Well, almost bed time for me, but don't use compressed air on the reeds or in the reed beds. I used a vacuum a few inches away and long cotton swaps to gently wipe around in the cavities. I found an unidentified insect pupae in one of them, and one reed was broken. (I fancy it's down in the bellows somewhere.) Static compressed air cans like for a keyboard or camera lens MAY be soft enough to puff in there, but . The high reeds are TINY. Please don't take ALL the reeds out. They'll have labels on them, like F#, so you'll know for sure where they go if you only have 11 of them out a time.

                    Try gently blowing with lung power, holding it an inch or so away.

                    By the way, the watch cleaning solution was suggested by Casey here on the forum. All this is just to get the keys sounding again.

                    On my organ, the front reeds are the Celeste and Principal. The main reeds are the rear set. It sounds like your organ has a 4' set and an 8'... or I suppose it could do it mechanically. I no end impressed what this ancient technology achieved - sort of like the Flintstones. :)

                    (Thanks for the pictures - that's adds a lot.)
                    -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


                    • #11
                      Hello, Welcome to this crazy world of the Pump Organ. Reading the posts I recommend the Ultrasonic Cleaner for sure. In the States there is a TINY Vacuum that you can get from a company called Micro Mark it is for fine cleaning ship models and trains. This is about as large as I would go to do the cleaning. I am learning like you but on a D.W. Karn from 1909.
                      This is the unit it is $9.95 USD


                      • #12
                        I have been looking at different organ dating on line. I’m guessing it was made around 1912 approximately.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Irpman, Just so happens My wife works in a Lab and has found a ultra sonic cleaner at work. Should she use Just water or a bit of detergent or general jewellery cleaner. The 1st lot of reeds are pretty tarnished and looks like rats have been living in it at some stage. It will take a week or so to get the reeds all clean as I am doing an octave at a time. I am just going to try and clean and dust out webs today.
                          Just found this lone wire on the right hand side of organ. Is it just supposed to hang there and do nothing or should there be a home for the end.(the thin wire with 90 degree bend. Thanks again Christojo
                          Click image for larger version

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                          Last edited by Christojo; 03-12-2018, 06:59 PM. Reason: Added photo


                          • #14
                            I think that's a control rod for the swell shutters. It should go the knee lever to the right above the pedals. It rotates upward to lift the shutter and the one in the back. These things are full of ingenious low tech. They went to all sorts of lengths to avoid other companies patents.
                            -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


                            • #15
                              Yes Silken Path, it is attached to the bigger shudder wire but doesn’t seem to do anything.
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