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M&H Found Today

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  • M&H Found Today

    Out junking today actually looking for Model T Ford parts. Spotted this buried in the very back of an 'antique' store; and I do mean buried. Only pics I could get. They said it came from a local barn where it sat under a canvas for decades. Been in the store for years. They wanted $100 - I said $25 take it or leave it. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

    My question is; can anyone take a wild guess as to the period of this instrument based on the case style? I went through the Society archives and didn't see anything similar. Interestingly the back panel is decorated with the same raised carvings as on the side panel. Looks like it was meant to sit up where it could be seen, a church maybe. Anyway, another one saved.
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  • #2
    It's a style 431.Wild guess at the date: 1883-7.
    It is super-desirable to somebody like me. It's their top chapel model (of the non-Liszt Organ class) in the 1879 style cabinet, but with the most fully-developed version of the action, with Eolian Harp. Most of the ones with this case style do not have EH. In a few years this cabinet was replaced by the Sankey style, which tends toward Eastlake; this is still the earlier Renaissance Revival style.
    You need to get in touch with Nelson Pease and see if he has a music rack for it.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Great find! This should much fun to restore. Best of luck.



      • #4
        Nice find! And a steal at $25. Nurture it, restore it, play it and enjoy it - or run the risk of getting both your kneecaps removed painfully.... ;-) (just kidding about the latter - how would you pump a pumper without those kneecaps anyway...). And there is only one stop face missing...

        Casey is the M&H guru and when he says he covets it, it is worth it!

        Enjoy and please do not be skimpy with posting some pictures so we can all drool...

        "Don't make war, make music!" Hammonds, Lowreys, Yamaha's, Gulbransens, Baldwin, Technics, Johannus. Reed organs. Details on request... B-)


        • #5
          Ask and ye shall get! Just got her home a few minutes ago. Now sitting in an air conditioned shop. I am amazed at the condition considering it **allegedly** belonged the Baptist church then sat in a barn for decades and then has been in the back of an un-air conditioned store in central Florida for years. That's a lot of time in 80% RH ...

          Stops from bass end are: Dia.Mel.Ser (?), Octave Coupler, Sub Bass 16', 1 Diapason, 2 Viola 4', (missing), Eolian Harp 2', Vox Humana, 2 Flute 4', 1 Melodia 8', Seraphone, Vox Celeste 8', Forte Vio.FL

          Took the back off. There is no label nor Vox Humana mechanism. It doesn't look like the instrument has ever been refurbished or otherwise messed with which makes me curious about the missing VH. There is a separate 'box' of reeds which I assume are the sub bass. Guess I'll find out pulling stops. I assume this is a #25 action (per the M&H catalog).

          I am thrilled that the stop board labeling is in excellent condition.

          Yes, Casey encouraged me on this one; I would not have known the detail otherwise. I will dive into this project after I finish the Kimball (my first organ and the subject of other posts here). Probably be a month or two. Will certainly report on progress and undoubtedly have questions.
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          • #6
            The sub bass is missing. The other chest there is the seraphone. The Vox Humana is also missing.
            This is an 1890 version of action 25.
            Click image for larger version

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            • #7
              It seems most of the stop links are also not there but will all those missing bits still worth restoring. The case alone is something else! Wish I were closer but....

              Please keep us updated. Thanks.

              "Don't make war, make music!" Hammonds, Lowreys, Yamaha's, Gulbransens, Baldwin, Technics, Johannus. Reed organs. Details on request... B-)


              • #8
                Seeing the 1890 version I suppose it's fair to wonder if what I have here is a an action 25 or is it from an earlier period? ... I assume the two large chests on the left of your photo are the sub bass and seraphone.

                On the one I have here I can now see clearly that the sub bass chest is gone. However, the seraphone stop actuates the small chest on the left (see pics). This chest contains 30 reeds (2.5 octaves?). The seraphone pull opens the mute 1/2 way. However the vox celeste also actuates it, opening it fully. Your educated thoughts?

                I can recreate the vox humana. However the sub base is another story. I suppose my options are to search for another, complete action 25, restore without this element or not restore.

                In your opinion is it worth the restoration without the sub base (and seraphone if it is indeed missing)?
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                • #9
                  It's your lucky day.


                  • #10
                    Well that is fortuitous! Thanks for spotting that. I just found where it fits. The opening was covered over with cloth and painted black. There appear to be actuators inside the opening toward the keyboard but nothing moves. Not surprising if it's all frozen up. Should be able to figure it out.

                    Any idea about the seraphone and vox celeste both operating the mute for the 30 reed wind box?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SubBase View Post
                      The Vox Humana is also missing.
                      There is also a Vox Humana mechanism for sale from a Wilcox & White on *Bay. I'm not sure if they're one-size-fits-all, but Casey can certainly provide that information.

                      Hope that helps too.

                      Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
                      • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
                      • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
                      • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


                      • #12
                        Yes, thanks, I saw that too. I am going to try to find out if the vh on this action would be round as the one shown in Casey's pic. While it's probably possible to make any one of them work the round one appeals to me and I think it would be fun to recreate. At any rate getting the complete sub bass puts me way ahead of the game.


                        • #13
                          Notice that sub base chest has been sold - hope you grabbed it. It seems pricey but who cares? I have a couple of round VH mechanisms I grabbed from somewhere together with other bits and parts. Not sure where they are from but they both need new vanes. The distance between the posts is somewhat important as is the wind intake base. You wanna measure yours? (Shape and position of the hole etc. Close-up pics might help too). You can have one for the postage (which might be prohibitive given that I am located on another planet...) but there...

                          Good luck!

                          "Don't make war, make music!" Hammonds, Lowreys, Yamaha's, Gulbransens, Baldwin, Technics, Johannus. Reed organs. Details on request... B-)


                          • #14
                            Yes indeed, I snagged it. Considering it's age, rarity and (anticipated) relatively good condition I was OK with the price. Think what it would be if the instruments were once again in demand ... And remember I got the instrument for a song ...

                            Here are pics of where I think the VH would mount ... on top of the 30 reed wind chest that is actuated by the vox celeste and saraphone pulls. You can see the oblong wind hole that I uncovered on the right hand end. The length from the end pivot post to the back of the vane box that (will) come up against the sub base chest can be no greater than 16". Height and width have tons of room. There is also a pic of the sub base opening. You can see the SB box will eat up all of that end of the instrument.

                            If you have something that might fit, lets talk about it. The price of postage seems unfair; you need to get something. Maybe a case of beer? Wait a minute ... how much is beer in SA?
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                            • #15
                              contact the seller of the sub bases asap and ask if he has the set of 13 levers off the underside of the main action; yours are missing.
                              I hate what the butchers did to this organ. I'm certain a drum-type VH like in my picture could be fitted.


                              - - - Updated - - -

                              when you look into the sub base void, you should see the ends of these levers:
                              Click image for larger version

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