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A visit to the Pease Collection

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  • A visit to the Pease Collection

    Three buildings full of vintage reed organs, harmoniums, melodeons, square pianos, "grand" pianos, player pianos, various woodwind and brass instruments, automata, etc.

    Click image for larger version

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    I met Nelson and Beverly Pease today. Nelson found some replacement reeds for my George Woods; he has a *massive* trove of reeds, organized by year and manufacturer. He even found the relatively rare chamfered reeds I needed. Also massive troves of actions, stop rails, stop labels, etc.

    And to top things off, he deals in classic American auto parts also, and had a replacement exhaust manifold for my 1958 Nash.

    Photos of some instruments that interested me, primarily because of the number of stops each has. Sterling, Smith American, Estey, Mason & Hamlin. Really like that Smith American.

    The shop is located on Main Street in Palmer, Massachusetts.

    Tom M.

  • #2
    The big pipe top Estey 2MP on the back wall of the music store is the one I helped reassemble last summer. You probably didn't see half of what he has, it would take an 8 hour day to look at everything in the 4 buildings (not counting the garage behind the music store).

