Three buildings full of vintage reed organs, harmoniums, melodeons, square pianos, "grand" pianos, player pianos, various woodwind and brass instruments, automata, etc.
I met Nelson and Beverly Pease today. Nelson found some replacement reeds for my George Woods; he has a *massive* trove of reeds, organized by year and manufacturer. He even found the relatively rare chamfered reeds I needed. Also massive troves of actions, stop rails, stop labels, etc.
And to top things off, he deals in classic American auto parts also, and had a replacement exhaust manifold for my 1958 Nash.
Photos of some instruments that interested me, primarily because of the number of stops each has. Sterling, Smith American, Estey, Mason & Hamlin. Really like that Smith American.
The shop is located on Main Street in Palmer, Massachusetts.
Tom M.
I met Nelson and Beverly Pease today. Nelson found some replacement reeds for my George Woods; he has a *massive* trove of reeds, organized by year and manufacturer. He even found the relatively rare chamfered reeds I needed. Also massive troves of actions, stop rails, stop labels, etc.
And to top things off, he deals in classic American auto parts also, and had a replacement exhaust manifold for my 1958 Nash.
Photos of some instruments that interested me, primarily because of the number of stops each has. Sterling, Smith American, Estey, Mason & Hamlin. Really like that Smith American.
The shop is located on Main Street in Palmer, Massachusetts.
Tom M.