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Hoffrichter Organs

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  • Hoffrichter Organs

    I came across this site for an organ company that is new to me. Unfortunately, I can't read German, and the English site appears to be under construction.

    When you click on "Digitalorgein", you can see a three manual in the "Lukas" series. There are audio examples. Not bad at all.

    When you click on "Mobile Losungen" there is an interesting looking portable two manual organ under "Blockorgein". Clicking on that, there are one and two manual keyboards with pipe organ sounds built in. To see the portable organ with pedals, you have to click on the "MDO-system". Unfortunately that part of the site isn't done yet. Here is the site:

    I don't know how to make this a link in my message. Sorry.

  • #2
    Re: Hoffrichter Organs

    Ohh! How nice to see a completely new (to me at least). They look of a quality build, indeed.

    I would love to get my hands on one of these:

    Can you imagine? You could hook it up to Hauptwerk and have a very portable organ system.


    • #3
      Re: Hoffrichter Organs

      >Can you imagine? You could hook it up to Hauptwerk and have a very portable organ system.

      Looking on their English site, they do have a price list. In it, is mentioned a three manual version of the two manual in the picture you posted. You can get keyboards with and without sounds built-in, and also ones that are designed to control Hauptwerk.


      • #4
        Re: Hoffrichter Organs

        I think it would be great for someone living in a small apartment or such, who can't fit a full console (or afford one) into their threshold.


        • #5
          Re: Hoffrichter Organs

          >I think it would be great for someone living in a small apartment or such, who can't fit a full console (or afford one) into their threshold.


          Hauptwerk users should note the following on the (for now) limited English site:

          "Latest news: The HWB product line will be expanded within short by draw-stops,
          stop tabs, and other typical components of a real organ. The HWB1 processing
          system is compatible with the next genreation Hauptwerk software.
          Playing a virtual organ on a HWB1 can't be more realistic!"

