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adding digital Great and Pedal division to an extant digital swell division

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  • adding digital Great and Pedal division to an extant digital swell division

    At our parish, we currently have a hybrid organ with an all –digital swell (Walker) and an all-pipe Great division. We are looking to replace the pipe stops (in the great and a majority of the pedal) with digital samples. Because of a low budget, and some politics related to the original expenditure for the digital swell and partially digital pedal, removing the current Walker stops or replacing/repairing the pipes is not in the cards.

    Since I lack technical aptitude and knowledge that so many on the board have been generous in sharing, I’m wondering if you might be able to offer some advice to my questions:

    If one were to add MIDI out to the Great, Pedal, and swell, how would that impact the functionality/playability of the already digital swell? In other words, how would one keep intact the Walker digital voices (which are quite good)

    Is there a way to replace the Great and pedal pipe stops without adding MIDI?

    We’ve researched Artisan products, Hauptwerk, and in a previous parish, had great success with the older, Ahlborn-Galanti Archive module. Can anyone recommend, from personal experience, any other possibilities?

    Many thanks in advance!